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The Wakefield RISC OS Computer Show 2010

RISC OS is the superbly efficient operating system designed in the 1980's by Acorn Computers, and its latest incarnation is used by thousands of people around the world. However, many may never have even heard of RISC OS - so if you're one of them, you've come to the right place.

Pre-dating both Windows and Mac OS to use a task bar or 'Dock', RISC OS includes many revolutionary features which are only just being copied by other systems. Its anti-aliased font technology is still the envy of the computer world and its drag 'n' drop, stackable windows GUI, flexibility and ease of use make it arguably the most productive computer system in the world today.

Thousands of applications and utilities are available, often developed by small companies and individual users, mean that you should be able to find software on RISC OS to cater for all your computing requirements. It is hoped that new developers will come on board to help promote and enhance RISC OS even more. seeks to not only introduce newcomers and experts alike to this wonderful system, but to act as a resource centre and help forum for existing users around the world. Our software database is probably the most comprehensive repository of RISC OS links anywhere on the internet, and we update it frequently with new releases.

News Headlines from the RISC OS world RSS Feed
  • NEW! [27th Oct 2008] Latest Intel chips still can't match ARM for power saving - Intel issued a "correction" Thursday regarding comments one of its executives made earlier this week slamming the iPhone as incapable of working correctly with the internet.
    Among other things, the executives accused ARM chips of being unable to "handle the internet" and singled out the iPhone as an example of a smart phone that could be really great if it used one of Intel's low-power x86 architecture processors, known as Atom.
    More Info:
  • NEW! [12th Oct 2008] Major new RISC OS application in development - Long-term RISC OS devotee Paul Vigay has recently announced a new application he's currently working on. With a development version to be demonstrated at the forthcoming RISC OS SE Show, WebAnim8r is a powerful and comprehensive application for creating animations and graphics suitable for including on websites and presentations.
    A flexible built-in scripting language allows the user to create complex designs with the aid of simple keywords, or fall back on the intuitive user interface.
    More Info: WebAnim8r homepage
  • [27th Sep 2008] End of the line for Iyonix - From 30th September it will no longer be possible to purchase an Iyonix computer. After 15 years of business, Jack Lillingston and John Ballance would like to thank all their customers for their support. There are still limited supplies of Iyonix computers available, so order one now as remaining stock is available on a first come, first served basis. From 1st October, support for the Iyonix will continue through the Iyonix dealer network, website and email.
    More Info: Full press release

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Some news summaries maybe truncated. This is a limitation with GoogleGroups RSS feed and beyond our control unfortunately.



CachesFS and Iris update from WROCC November meeting
2 very exciting updates from Andrew Rawnsley's related to CascheFS and Iris, so they deserved their own follow-up article and some more investigation....
Archive Edition 26:5 reviewed
The latest edition of Archive Magazine (26:5) is now available and getting back on publishing schedule.
WROCC November 2023 meeting - Andrew Rawnsley
Wakefield's November speaker was Andrew Rawnsley, updating us on developments at R-Comp and RISC OS Developments
November WROCC talk on Wednesday with R-Comp
The November WROCC talk on wednesday night sees the return of Andrew Rawnsley.
October 2023 News Summary
Some things we noticed this month. What did you see?


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Tuck in to a tasty bonus
The Bonus Binaries download is one of our most popular downloads, coming in 2nd place behind the main HardDisc4, with the !System resource 3rd of all the Miscellaneous downloads. Since its introduction in 2015 extra treats have been added, so let’s take a look inside.
Big Ben spotted on mainland Europe
RISC OS Open will be packing as much as possible into a suitcase ahead of the Big Ben Club annual day on the 13th May. Located in Koog aan de Zann, it’s only a short distance north of Amsterdam and is easy to reach by plane, train, or automobile from the rest of Europe.The eXperience is a perfect opportunity to network with other RISC OS users in the local area, whether in person, or using trusty Econet communications.
WROCC show touches down in Bradford
While the ROOL starship didn’t quite make it to Mars this month, the countdown has started at ROOL for the A6177 orbital approach around Bradford ready for the WROCC show on Saturday 22nd April 2023.And what could be more apt than the Cedar Court Hotel being on Rooley Lane?
RISC OS in Spaaaaace!
A major announcement from RISC OS Open: SpaceX has chosen our operating system for their mission to Mars! Preparations are already underway, and RISC OS’s reliability and efficiency make it the perfect fit for the harsh conditions of space travel. RISC OS Open is thrilled to be working with SpaceX on such a ground-breaking project. In fact, our innovative system will be instrumental in helping the first human colonisers establish a home on the Red Planet. Ladies and gentlemen, we are honoured to be selected by SpaceX for this historic mission.For us, this is the culmination of many years of hard work and dedication. Our team is thrilled to be collaborating with SpaceX on such a colossal project. Of course, we know this will not be easy! Let’s celebrate this incredible news and look forward to RISC OS making history on Mars. Stay tuned for more updates from RISC OS Open and SpaceX.
Looking to spark your imagination?
SparkFS is undoubtedly one of the must have RISC OS applications when it comes to working with compressed files/archives, so much so that we’ve bundled a read-only version as part of RISC OS 5 since as far back as 2014.Having worked closely with David Pilling, SparkFS’ original author, we are very pleased to announce that from today, the full read-write version is now included for free with RISC OS 5.

And maybe of interest....

The Register

When it comes to personal data, we're on a highway to hell

Register journos tackle cars harvesting info, Meta and YouTube being taken to task over privacy, and more

Kettle Far gone are the days when a car was a dumb machine you turned on and drove from A to B. Today it's a smartphone on wheels, and your data is possibly being taken for a ride.
Your online store down? Can't get to your fave web shop? Maybe blame Shopify

Biz races to fix broken systems

Shopify suffered an outage today, preventing shoppers from using affected merchants.
Strike over? US actors may return to work with top-tier 'progressive AI protections'

Producers will need OK from performers, will pay them to create digi-personas

SAG-AFTRA, the union representing actors and media professionals, is set to end its near-four-month strike after reaching a tentative deal with TV and film studios over pay and the use of AI.[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Aurora dawns late: Half-baked entry secures second in supercomputer stakes

Half the machine, quadruple the anticipation for all-Intel super

SC23 After years of delays, Argonne National Laboratory's all-Intel "Aurora" supercomputer has finally graced the Top500 ranking of the world's most powerful supercomputers - just not where many had hoped to see it.
Want a Cybertruck? You're stuck with it for a year, says Tesla

Waiting buyers could face $50k fine for ignoring updated terms and conditions

Thinking about buying a Cybertruck? Well, be sure you want it: Tesla is threatening to sue anyone who tries to sell theirs within the first year of purchase.

Think Geek Latest Gadgets

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Recent Articles and What's New at
RSS Feed
  • Photodesk Resources - A new section contains additional resources, such as textures and stamps for the popular Photodesk application. (21st Sep 2008)
  • Wakefield 2008 - A few photos I took at the Wakefield Show. Unfortunately there aren't many because I didn't manage to get away from the stand during the day. (26th Apr 2008)
  • Clip Art - I've just created a new section, containing various clip art files I've created, which are free for people to use. (9th Apr 2008)
  • iMachine announcement An archived copy of our 2008 April Fool.... (1st Apr 2008)
  • CSA.* FAQ gets revamp and new home I've started giving the CSA.* FAQ a major overhaul, along with moving it to its new home at (4th Mar 2008)
  • USB speed tests I've created a new page to correlate various USB speed tests. (30th Nov 2007)
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