RISC OS Programs

At some point in the dim and distant past, I got an Ethernet card for my Risc PC. It turned out that many of the network-related things I wanted to do weren't possible with free software. To rectify this situation, I got hold of NetLib (from HENSA) and started to program.

All the programs on this page are free and available for download. Files whose names end in .bin are RISC OS binaries: set their type to "absolute" and away you go!

The programs are all fairly minimalist, but that's the way I like them.

JetDirectFS - print on an HP network printer [Download binary+source - 50 KBytes]

This module offers a filing system that proxies to a JetDirect printer on the network. This allows you to print using the normal RISC OS mechanisms to a JetDirect printer.

Once you've installed the module in the right place (see the !ReadMe file for more information) you just tell Printers to print to a file. As an example, if your printer is called hp0, you'd give JetDirectFS:hp0 as filename.

You can give printer names as a hostname (as in the example), a fully-qualified domain name or an IP address. Anything that's suitable as a name for ping.

If you have a JetDirect printer server with printers connected to it rather than a printer with a JetDirect card in it, it might be useful to know that the (TCP) port number you need is the (JetDirect) port number plus 9100. So JetDirect port two is on TCP port 9102. You tell JetDirectFS to print to this port with a filename of the form name!port in the Printers configuration. A full example, then, is port two on the printer server called pserver. This would be JetDirectFS:pserver!9102.

The source to JetDirectFS is now included in the src directory.

[I almost described this program as offering `transparent' printing, but what use would that be?]

sntp - set the real-time clock via SNTP [Download binary - 5 KBytes]

Syntax: sntp [-d] timeserver[!service]

The -d switch causes debugging information to be output. If sntp is successful, the clock will have been set.

sntp contains code by Pete Turnbull for 64-bit multiplication by 100, and by Charles Forsyth and Stephen Parker for converting between network and host orders.

telnet - user interface to the TELNET protocol [Download binary - 6 KBytes]

Syntax: telnet host[!service]

telnet currently implements passing through of the TERM and DISPLAY environment variables, and reporting the terminal size (as 80x24 which seemed as sensible as anything for RISC OS).

There is no command mode and most of TELNET's esoteric features are unsupported. These absences are features, not bugs.